Feb 10, 2020
Brent Skorup is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center where he specializes in transportation technology, telecommunications, aviation, and wireless policy. Brent also serves on the FCC’s broadband deployment advisory committee and the Texas Department of Transportation’s autonomous vehicle task force, and he has recent spoke on the topic of airspace design at the Global Air Traffic Management Conference in Dubai. He joins the show today to talk about the future of transportation, including flying cars and highways in the sky. Brent and David also discuss the concept of auctioning airspace, the macroeconomic implications of technological innovation, and how to build or improve infrastructure for autonomous vehicles in the future.
Transcript for the episode: https://www.mercatus.org/bridge/podcasts/02102020/brent-skorup-autonomous-vehicles-flying-cars-and-airspace-scarce-resource
Brent’s Twitter: @bskorup
Brent’s Mercatus profile: https://www.mercatus.org/scholars/brent-skorup
Related Links:
*Your Flying Car Will Be Here Sooner Than You Think* by Brent Skorup
*Auctioning Airspace* by Brent Skorup
*Smart Cities, Dumb Infrastructure* by Korok Ray & Brent Skorup
*Auto Purchase Trends, Mobility as a Service, and Autonomous Vehicle Adoption* by Brent Skorup
David’s blog: macromarketmusings.blogspot.com
David’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth