Aug 28, 2017
Adam Millsap is an assistant director at the L. Charles Hilton Center at Florida State University and a senior affiliated scholar at the Mercatus Center. Today, he joins the show to discuss how different regional economies can lead to business cycles at the regional and state levels, rather than the federal level. This creates difficulty for monetary policy at the federal level as looser monetary policy may be appropriate for states like West Virginia, but may not be appropriate for states like California. He and David also discuss the decline of inter-state labor mobility and how bad regulation deters people from moving to areas with better job prospects. Description: David’s blog: Macro Musings podcast site: David’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth Adam Millsap’s website: Adam Millsap’s Mercatus profile: Adam Millsap’s Twitter: @AA_Millsap Related links: “Recessions Don’t Have the Same Impact on Every City” “State Fiscal Rankings